Technology and Testing for Communication Performance

Are you looking to drive excellence in communication performance within your organization?

At the recently held Talking Across the World Conference 2023, our Director of  Quality, Ruby Dela Cruz, discussed our insights into the use of technology for

communication performance testing, and shared our research on our hybrid approach for testing communication skills. 

We will now summarize the key points from her presentation into a Q&A format, so you can learn about Ruby’s insights technology and testing for communication performance.

What is communication performance?

How do we assess communication performance?

How does one leverage technology in communication performance assessment?

What are the results and impact of the blended approach?

What does the future hold for technology and testing for communication performance?


Q: What is communication performance?

A: Communication performance encompasses a person’s ability to effectively apply their communication skills to achieve job performance targets. Unlike linguistic competence, which focuses solely on language rules, communication performance evaluates an individual’s capacity to interact with others to achieve specific objectives. For instance, in the contact center industry, excellent communication performance means agents can satisfy customer needs efficiently, resulting in the attainment of key performance indicators

Q: How do we assess communication performance?

A: Assessing communication performance requires a comprehensive understanding of communicative competence, assessment principles, and the specific needs of the industry. We acknowledge the significance of evaluating not only Pronunciation and Language,  but also Discourse Skills, Interactive Skills, and Solution Strategy. By considering these factors, we ensure that the assessment accurately predicts an individual’s ability to communicate and achieve customer satisfaction

Q: How does one leverage technology in communication performance assessment?

A: We recognize the potential of technology in addressing the evolving needs of the industry. While we advocate for a blended approach that combines human expertise and technology, we also strategically leverage technology to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. Automated voice assessments, intelligent interfaces, and advanced security measures have allowed us to streamline the assessment process, increase accessibility, and ensure fairness and reliability.

Q: What is the BUPLAS Automated Voice Assessment?

One notable application of our blended approach is the BUPLAS Automated Voice Assessment. This assessment combines real-world tasks and automated digital interfaces to prompt candidates, record their interactions, and enable offline assessment by trained language assessors. Through automation, we have achieved increased efficiency, reduced logistical challenges, and provided assessors with opportunities for professional development.

Q: What are the results and impact of a blended approach?

Our  blended approach has yielded promising results and tangible impact. We conducted approximately 40,000 voice assessments for eight clients across five global regions. To summarize:

  • Internal Efficiency: Efficiency has increased by 70-100%, allowing assessors to receive training and handle more challenging roles, supporting their professional development.
  • Customer Satisfaction Scores (CSAT): A study conducted with a client from the communication technology industry showed that candidates who passed the voice assessment (BUPLAS) consistently scored higher on CSAT measures compared to those who failed.
  • Performance Control: BUPLAS: passed candidates demonstrated better control of performance, with less variance in monthly scores, indicating that communication proficiency contributes to consistency.
  • Overall CSAT Scores: Another study with a client’s technical account revealed that BUPLAS hires had higher overall satisfaction scores compared to non-BUPLAS hires. BUPLAS hires were more likely to be recommended by customers, particularly in the area of providing easy support.
  • Dissatisfaction Drivers: Non-BUPLAS hires received more dissatisfaction surveys overall, specifically related to care and attention, communication skills, process knowledge, and product resolution.

Q: What does the future hold for technology and testing for communication performance?

A: In the realm of technology and testing for communication performance, Future Perfect recognizes the rapid progress of technology and AI. As a result, we believe it is crucial to stay updated and continuously evaluate these advancements. While embracing new capabilities, we remain committed to upholding ethical standards, ensuring fairness and validity in our assessments. We emphasize the need for proper governance when implementing technology-driven solutions. Collaborating with technology providers and prioritizing education for businesses will enable informed decision-making, allowing us to leverage technology while preserving the importance of human expertise and development.

In Summary:

In conclusion, leveraging technological platforms like BUPLAS can help companies revolutionize communication performance assessment.

By integrating testing into recruitment, training, and operations, companies can confidently identify suitable candidates and enhance the performance of existing team members, resulting in improved workplace efficiency. This blended approach, combining human expertise with technology, yields accurate assessment data, ensuring effective communication within the organization.

As technology continues to advance, exciting possibilities emerge in recruitment, training, and operations assessment. If you seek to enhance your understanding of communication within your organization or improve your team’s proficiency, consider partnering with us. Our end-to-end solution offers better recruitment success and maximizes operational efficiencies.

Reach out to one of our communication experts today!

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